Owner/Creator:Anita Knits

Friday, July 8, 2011

My Journey - thus far

My journey.. started back on Wednesday, May 5th.  I was asked to join a running group.... One year, fourteen months and and three days ago.. and I'm still running.  Why am I posting this?  I'm not fishing for kind words (although I am extremely humbled by them).  I am posting this to say this:

 If I can do this and I never ran before and you have the desire to loose weight, be healthy and have something that is just for you.. then you CAN do it.  Find the strength, it is in you.  When I don't think I can not run any longer.. I pray.  I ask God to give me the strength.  I ask God to help me be the person He designed me to be. 

**side note.. funny thing happened to me on my weekly run with my dear friend Alyson (www.proudtobeafitmom.blogspot.com).. she asked me if the running shirt I was wearing was new.. 'cause I looks slimmer in it.  The funny part.. was that it wasn't new.. but I shared with her that I was wearing the same running shirt this Canada Day run as I did my very first run back on Canada Day 2010.  This is what sparked the comparison image below!  I call it my 'sausage top'!!!  haaahhaa  why didn't anyone tell me I look like a stuffed sausage in that top??  Hey if you can't laugh at yourself.. who can you laugh at. 
Keep Running!  Keep Laughing!  Just keep on keeping on! ☺☺ 

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