Owner/Creator:Anita Knits

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Another Half Update..

Hi all!  Just working away at my 'other' part-time job ;) ... running!  I am now on week six of my sixteen training schedule.  This week I will cover my highest kilometers so far.. 45km to be precise.  I am feeling strong, no major injuries to report.  I am starting to enjoy some of my long runs, this is probably a good thing seeing as they are going to get a lot longer!

This past Sunday I ran 13km.. it was a really great run.  It was a challenge but it didn't feel impossible.. AND this was the third time I have ever run 13km straight.  I am starting to feel prepared for this half.  I am so thankful I have a great running schedule.

I've also been faithful doing my ab workouts.  Right now I am doing a "Fab Ab Feb" challenge with a group that I am apart of.  It is starting to get challenging.  BUT on the upside I am really starting to see it help my improve my running.  My core is feeling stronger and stronger by the day!

If anyone is interested in the ab schedule that I am following; here it is: