Owner/Creator:Anita Knits

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Fallen off this world....

....into my own life........I'm sorry..... for anyone who finds interst in reading my blog... you may have notice I haven't been posting.  It's not for the lack of wanting to... I just do not have the engery for this slow slow blogger (or it could be my computer.. not sure... but I think it's more blogger).

There are days that I have written posts.. but when it comes to adding the pictures.. it takes.. well what feels like eternity!  And I frankly do not want to babysit my computer/blogger while it decides if its going to upload or not! :(

But nevertheless... even though posts haven't been posted.. life is still happening! :)  Home schooling is going AWESOME this year.  I am realistic in my expectations... and I am enjoying the days that I am now home (oh that's more new... I left my job at my church around the beginning of November).  Back to homeschooling.. I am now schooling two of our children... and its going wonderfully.  Our local homeschooling group is thriving and growing by leaps and bounds!  I've met many more families.. and I really feel a sense of contentment and reassurance..

Grace is getting bigger and is becoming a girly girl MORE and MORE by the second!  Linden is now two and is talking up a storm.  More then keeping up with his older brother and sister.  Gabriel is shooting up like a TREE!  This kid is well... starting to look older :(  Ava is getting tall as well.. she is now seven.  You put her beside any eight or nine year old and she is just there size.  Kinda sad in a way.. because well ... shes only seven!  I'm trying to keep my first born little for as long as I can.

I ran a half marathon in September... I think you all knew that :)  Running is going ... well... its going.  Since things are now settling into a great routine for us at home... I am working at getting back at it a good three times a week.  I did put on a *bit* of weight... (ahem 6lbs... but I'm seriously ok with it - most days) ;)

What else........  getting ready for Christmas as I'm sure all of you are as well....... WAITING with baited breath for snow!!!! ........ hmmmmmmm I guess that's it really........ sorry I won't be adding any pictures as I really REALLY want to go to bed now! ;)

OK....... maybe ONE picture!

{cutting down our Christmas tree.....}

Happy blogging folks... and I'm sorry if my blog is a bit of a let down lately :(

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