Owner/Creator:Anita Knits

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Well I'm not sure if my urge to paint is either part of my nesting stage or just part of me wanting to make our new home... more.. ours...

Our kitchen back splash is tiled.. shades of brown.. it's alright, but I'm a white kinda gal.. I just love white or very light colours. It makes a home feel fresh and airy. So I've been researching this for a while.... I found some websites that showed backslashes that were done with tin tile. It looks FABULOUS!! I wouldn't do copper or the silver colour it looks TOO shiny for me..I would get the paintable kind or white ~ it looks really nice too! Very french country style... just what I like! I did pick up a brochure here at a local hardware store.. they do carry tin, but I'm certain it is for tin roofs. I was feeling very impatient.. so I decided to paint the back splash.. I've also seen kitchen that were re-done using this technique and it looks good too. So I opted to paint the back splash for now.. and if I really don't like it (but can live with it for a while) I will REALLY look into tin for the back splash.

I'm also going to be painting our kitchen table too. I am dreading doing that only because it will be quite the process and we won't be able to eat at the table for a few days... but I know once it is done I'm going to love it!

So these are the two projects that I'm working on right now... next will be painting the livingroom/dinningroom/foyer/hallway... but I don't want to think about that right now.. that will be a big job *sigh* .......but on the flip side.. the house will feel more like our own... and I will be able to satisfy my nesting urges!!


  1. I seriously think we are kindred spirits! yOu are definitely rubbing off on me...I keep seeing things around my house I want to paint White!!!

  2. oh I think we are kindred spirits in many more ways then lovin' white furniture! Glad your home is evolving to relect you more :) I wish I could be helping you paint.. but I bet we would get more paint on our bellies then on the item we are trying to paint! :)


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